This Tuesday we hosted our first Technology Showcase, focusing on our advanced digital manufacturing and analysis platform tailored for high-end composites.

We were honoured to welcome representatives from the Australian Aerospace Industry, Government, and Academia – forming a diverse and insightful audience.

Dr. Paul Compston, our CEO and Director, set the stage with a welcome and company introduction, paving the way for a day of enlightening discussions.


Keynote Presentations:

Dr. Peter Smith delivered a keynote, exploring the prospects of Advanced Composites in Australia and their translation to Advanced Air Mobility. He outlined the nuanced challenges accompanying future short-duration low-altitude flights and covered opportunities for advanced composite manufacturers in the next decade.

Dr. Dr. Joni Sytsma shed light on the iLAuNCH Trailblazer projects—a $180 million initiative strategically commercialising academic research into transformative products, enhancing Australia’s space manufacturing capabilities across diverse focus areas. Joni highlighted the advantage of New Frontier Technologies unique manufacturing capabilities for lightweight, thermally stable telescopes and precision instrumentation.


Expert Insights:

Adam Nagy-Sochacki Ph.D., our composites design expert, showcased the design capabilities facilitated by our advanced manufacturing techniques, underlining the innovative possibilities.
Silvano and John Holmes, our composites analysis experts, provided valuable insights into 3D imaging and diagnostics of composite structures. They explained how these technologies contribute to the creation of digital twins for high-fidelity simulations.

Tech Tour Highlights:

Participants were treated to an exclusive firsthand tour of our advanced laser-assist tape placement (ATP) manufacturing cell by our manufacturing experts Chris Stokes-Griffin and Victoria Zinnecker, PhD. They showcased structures, including a distinctive cuboid component, and highlighted the exceptional capabilities unique to our processes.

On display was a gridded rocket body structure that highlights how strong and lightweight structures can be achieved with an orthogonal gridded structure and a thin carbon fibre reinforced skin.




For those keen to explore how our digital platform can enhance your composite projects, please feel free to reach out to us at We welcome the opportunity to discuss potential collaborations and queries.

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